quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

Welcome back, my friends...

... to the show that never ends

Cara, você se lembra do mundo em janeiro de 2010? Deixa eu fazer uma retrospectiva:

Eu tinha 17 anos e a internet era uma diversão só. O Orkut bombava com pessoas (e fakes) de todo tipo, o RapidShare hospedava os clássicos do Rock, eu tinha acabado de prestar vestibular, escrevia uma trocentas redações por mês e lia Luiz Pondé e Augusto dos Anjos. E, em meio toda essa neblina de desgraça, eu também tive a ousadia de erguer uma parede de banheiro. Uma parede de banheiro virtual, o meu blogue! E só pra sacanear ainda mais, eu fiz questão de com isso homenagear os grandes ícones da poesia parnasiana, o Body Count:

Três anos, cara! Três anos! Se o meu blogue fosse um bebê gente, ele poderia estar falando ou andando. Só que, digamos a verdade, ele tava cheirando meio engraçado...

Como o meu blogue seria, se hipoteticamente eu tivesse a habilidade de ter relações.
Mas, pô, eu tava relendo o que eu escrevia e é impressionante como parece que são textos de outra pessoa. Simplesmente, não meus. Bom, não é de se assombrar, eu sou mais velho do que era e mais novo do que eu vou ser. Mesmo assim, depois de mudanças e mudanças não é estranho que sejamos mais ou menos os mesmos.

Sim, eu roubei isso do Simon & Garfunkel.

Pelo menos agora eu roubo de um pessoal decente e não do Pondé! Não obstante, por que raios alguém leva uma caneta prum banheiro e por que raios outro alguém fica lendo o que tá lá?

I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest

When I left my home and my family
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station running scared
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
Where the ragged people go
Looking for the places only they would know

Lie la lie ...

Asking only workman's wages
I come looking for a job
But I get no offers,
Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue
I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome
I took some comfort there

Now the years are rolling by me
They are rockin' evenly
I am older than I once was
And younger than I'll be and that's not unusual.
No it isn't strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same
After changes we are more or less the same

Lie la lie ...

Then I'm laying out my winter clothes
And wishing I was gone
Going home
Where the New York City winters aren't bleeding me
Bleeding me, going home

In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of ev'ry glove that layed him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains

Lie la lie ...

NÃO PERCA NA PRÓXIMA SEMANA: a cobra vai fumar!

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013

Paul Simon - American Tune

Minha vida sempre foi um anel de tensão e relaxamento, mas agora ela só é uma linha prestes a se romper.

Many’s the time I’ve been mistaken
And many times confused
Yes, and I’ve often felt forsaken
And certainly misused
Oh, but I’m all right, I’m all right
I’m just weary to my bones
Still, you don’t expect to be
Bright and bon vivant
So far away from home, so far away from home

I don’t know a soul who’s not been battered
I don’t have a friend who feels at ease
I don’t know a dream that’s not been shattered
Or driven to its knees
Oh, but it’s all right, it’s all right
For lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road
We’re traveling on
I wonder what went wrong
I can’t help it, I wonder what’s gone wrong

And I dreamed I was dying
And I dreamed that my soul rose unexpectedly
And looking back down at me
Smiled reassuringly
And I dreamed I was flying
And high above my eyes could clearly see
The Statue of Liberty
Sailing away to sea
And I dreamed I was flying

Oh, we come on the ship they call the Mayflower
We come on the ship that sailed the moon
We come in the age’s most uncertain hour
And sing an American tune
Oh, it’s all right, it’s all right
It’s all right, it’s all right
You can’t be forever blessed
Still, tomorrow’s going to be another working day
And I’m trying to get some rest
That’s all I’m trying to get some rest

© 1973 Words and Music by Paul Simon

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Grin - Soft Fun

When you cry I feel so sad
You're the only friend I have
Here's a melody to send your feelings...

She cried at midnight
Tears run down 'til dawn
Painted her proud, she tried stoppin' but she had to keep right on
She cried for freedom
A sad sigh alone for love
All you lonely people cried for things you just don't know of

I give to you my heart, my soft fun
I'm lyin', cryin', dyin' by you
Why feel to be such a lonely one?
My feeling are cryin', but that's all right

She hides in wool
Medieval veils the path
'Fraid to cry, scared to die, feel this one from her wrath
Profiles that cry just everything
Shaded looks so cruel I cry
She peers back to face now
But I just hope see why


They say that funny guy's crazy
'cause he's always playin' glad
But believe me when I tell ya
My inside's sad
I'd like to forget my life
and find what you all found
but I wasn't blessed with not knowin'
and I can't help sinkin' down

It hurts me inside, that's all right


sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

Nils Lofgren - Black Books

One last time from Freddy's joint
we drove out to lover's point
shared our last kiss eye to eye
Spoke of tender times long past
said they weren't meant to last
too many different needs to satisfy

She wants
new shoulders to cry on
new backseats to lie on
and she always gets her way
She wants to see other guys
get lost in other eyes
baby's in the black books
yes she's in the black books today

I've yet to find a dreary bar
where whispers don't drift from afar
about her wild and wicked ways
The hardest truths don't have a why
often true love will just die
and leave a grief to haunt
the lonely nights and days

She wants
new shoulders to cry on
new backseats to lie on
and she always gets her way
She wants to hurt other guys
put tears in other eyes
baby's in the black books
yes she's in the black books today

She wants to hurt other guys
put tears in other eyes
Baby's in the black books
yes she's in the black books today

Essa, entre tantas outras, é uma obra-prima do "the Godfather of the Guitar, the Minister of Heart and Spirit, the great, great" Nils Lofgren. Black Books, em sua versão acústica, foi tocada também no final de um episódio de The Sopranos, uma série muito legal, por sinal. Curiosamente, a interpretação original dela é meio gospel e R&B e eu nunca a achei nos Iutubiu da vida; quem sabe um dia eu mesmo uploado?

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

I'm back

That's right, you ****in' maricón!